I’m happy to share my latest podcast interview with Kathryn Bruni-Young on her excellent podcast, Mindful Strength. I am a subscriber and regular listener, so needless to say I was pretty stoked when … [Read more...] about Asana Against Resistance | Mindful Strength Podcast
Pedagogy, Critical Thinking, and Yoga Evolution | Embodiment Time Podcast
We are at an intersection between old and new pedagogical approaches in yoga educational spaces. As teachers, we have some fascinating choices to make with regards to how we lead classes and … [Read more...] about Pedagogy, Critical Thinking, and Yoga Evolution | Embodiment Time Podcast
What’s amazing about Laurel Beversdorf’s class is that it takes you back to your school days. Her presence, voice and knowledge make her class, well – a CLASS. Interactive, tons of laughter, play and … [Read more...] about ALIGNYO: MAKE FAMILIAR POSES NEW
The Purpose of Purposeless Walking
I started taking what the BBC refers to as purposeless walks this past winter as a strategy to avoid burn out and make space in my packed schedule. On these walks, purposeless is the purpose. Starting … [Read more...] about The Purpose of Purposeless Walking
Nostalgia: El jardín inglés de las emociones
¡La primavera finalmente ha brotado! El fin de semana pasado disfruté plantar caléndulas e impatiens en jardineras de ventana con mi esposo, Nathan – fue nuestro primer intento de jardinería al … [Read more...] about Nostalgia: El jardín inglés de las emociones
Nostalgia: The English Garden of Emotions
Spring has finally sprung! This past weekend, I enjoyed planting marigolds and impatiens in window boxes with my husband, Nathan - our first attempt at outdoor, urban gardening. I'm pretty … [Read more...] about Nostalgia: The English Garden of Emotions
La gratitud que los retos pueden inspirar
Estoy segura que ya han visto o escuchado el reto de gratitud en las redes sociales. Funciona así: cada día por un periodo de tiempo fijo, escribe tres cosas por las que te sientes agradecido/a. … [Read more...] about La gratitud que los retos pueden inspirar
Descubriendo la tristeza, recobrando la alegría
La semana pasada me uní a algunos de los educadores de movimiento más brillantes que conozco en la reunión cumbre de Yoga Tune Up en Ojai California. El tema de la cumbre fue la narración de … [Read more...] about Descubriendo la tristeza, recobrando la alegría
The Gratitude Challeges Can Inspire
I'm sure by now you've seen or heard about the gratitude challenge that's been going around on social media. It works like this: every day for a set period of time, you write down three things that … [Read more...] about The Gratitude Challeges Can Inspire
Uncovering Sorrow, Recovering Joy
Last week I joined some of the most brilliant movement educators I know at the Yoga Tune Up Summit in Ojai California. The theme of the Summit was storytelling. During this Summit, I climbed an inner … [Read more...] about Uncovering Sorrow, Recovering Joy